Often, it is heard that digital photography is better over print photography. Digital photography i.e. the advancement in photography is believed to be a far different concept than print photography. Nevertheless, the former has turned out to be a wonderful complement to the latter. It is akin to evolution of music cassettes into digital media players. While the traditional photography has its own features and benefits, the digital one comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.
Print Photography
Print photography indicates the analog photography studio method, which in simple words, means using SLR cameras to take pictures. These cameras use film for producing photographs, which later get printed in analog with the help of a chemical process. Also, these are economical when compared to a digital camera of the same worth. Film rolls, however, may come out as costly.
With greater film capacity, analog cameras have light that covers a greater area as compared to that covered in digital ones.
The one drawback of an analog camera is that people need to get familiar with the settings of the camera before using it. During the developing process, you need to keep an eye on the effects on the images.
On the other hand, this kind of photography has a great advantage to offer i.e. the quality of the pictures. It is simply unmatched. The pictures come out as sharp and clear owing to the chemical reaction that occurs due to fall of light on the film from the shutter. The process used in film photography helps obtain exact and inverted images.
Digital Photography
While digital photography does not differ from print photography in any other aspect, the one difference between the two is that a charged coupled device (CCD) replaces the traditional film. CCD comprises small grids with tens of lakhs of photosensitive elements.
These elements get in touch with a ray of light when a photograph is clicked. Thereafter, a particular level of light gets registered by them as an electrical charge. These charges, once transferred to an analog-to-digital converter, change into digital data. The software in the camera comes up with a calculated and well balanced guess on the basis of the registered value. In the wake of the same, the detail level of the pictures gets reduced and turns into image quality.
In case of digital photography, the installation process is really simple with no fear of any wasted frames or film exposure. The pictures captured are stored on rewritable memory cards. Also, you can view the images anytime you want. It’s up to you if you keep the image or delete the same. And all this can be done in no time.